Luang Por Raks (or ‘Luang Por Luck’) of Wat Sutawat Vipassana.
Luang Por Raks is one of the Current Eras most important creators of amulets, whose presence is seen incredibly often on Puttapisek Blessing ceremonies around the country. He is seen empowering both his own many ranges of Buddhist amulets, as well as often being seen present as an honored member of other empowerment ceremonies for other temples.
He is known for his Buddhanussati amulets which are remembrances of the Buddha, and of the Buddhist faith, as well as his powerful takruts.
Luang Por Raks is responsible for making one of the Modern Eras most important New Era Luang Phu Tuad amulet editions, which was empowered by monks who entered the ocean where LP Tuad is supposed to have turned seawater into freshwater by wading, and askinf for the Power of Luang Por Tuad to enter the amulets and protect the wearers. These Nakprok Buddhas are yet another immensely important and powerful Buddhist amulet which in future generations will most certainly be regarded as a classic in itself. Amulets like this are not subject to falling from favor, being pure Buddhist and Eternally meaningful, whatever the Era.
Luang Por Raks was fortunate and meritorious enough to have received many Wicha from a large number of the Great Masters of our Time, and the Previous Generation, including having received the Hlek Jarn (inscription tool for Magic) from each Master hwho bestowed Wicha upon him, including;
1. Luang Phu Tim (Wat Pra Khaw, Ayuttaya), taught Kammathana Methods of Holy Water making, the Wicha Baramee Sip Tat (10 Perfections of Buddha spell). He taught him the inscription of his personal private yantra spell, to make Pong Lob Sacred Yant powders, and for inscription on Taeng Chanuan Metal Ingots for empowering them and smelting into amulets. Luang Phu Tim gave his personal inscription toool to Luang Por Raks, bestowing him as the continuation of his Lineage Wicha.
2. Luang Phu Yuea, of Wat Mai Ya Sai, bestowed Wicha upon Luang Por Raks, but little is known of which spells he learned with this Master.
3. Luang Por Perm, of Wat Bom Gaew, a powerful Monk most often invited to dozens of ceremonies each year to assist in empowering amulets, bestowed his Wicha of Empowerment to Luang Por Raks

Luang Phor Raks – Wat Sutawat Vipassana
4. Luang Por Ruay, of Wat Tago, taught Luang Por REaks how to inscribe and invoke the Sacred Yant Trinisinghae (most famously seen on the rear face of Pra Pid Ta Luang Phu To Wat Pradoo Chimplee amulets). He also taught Luang Por Raks further Kammathana Vipassana Methods of Meditation, how to inscribe perfect Khom Sanskrit Agkhara lettering. Like Luang Phu Tim of Wat Pra Khaw, Luang Phu Perm also taught Luang Por Raks to perform the inscription of his personal private yantra spell, to make Pong Lob Sacred Yant powders, and for inscription on Taeng Chanuan Metal Ingots. Luang Por Ruay also gave his personal inscription tool to Luang Por Raks, bestowing him as the continuation of his Lineage Wicha.
5. Luang Por Iad of Wat Pai Lom, taught Luang Por raks Kammathana secrets and methods, advanced his Khom Sanskrit inscription of Wicha Metta and Wicha Maha Ud. He taught him the Wicha Hua Jai Dtua Dto, Wicha Kong Grapan Chadtri, and Wicha Metta Mahaniyom. Luang Por Iad like the other Masters, also taught Luang Por Raks to perform the inscription of his personal private yantra spell, to make Pong Lob Sacred Yant powders, and for inscription on Taeng Chanuan Metal Ingots. Luang He also gave his personal inscription tool to Luang Por Raks, bestowing him as the continuation of his Lineage Wicha.
6. Luang Por Khien of Wat Gating taught Kammathana base methods to invoke Wicha Riak Choke Lap, the Wicha Hua Jai Manus (Human Heart Binding Spell), Heart of the Bull spell (Wicha Hua Jai Grating). Luang Por Khien, like the other Masters, also taught Luang Por Raks to perform the inscription of his personal private yantra spell, to make Pong Lob Sacred Yant powders, and for inscription on Taeng Chanuan Metal Ingots. Luang He also gave his personal inscription tool to Luang Por Raks, bestowing him as the continuation of his Lineage Wicha.
7. Luang Phu Hongs of Wat Petchburi (Sussaan Tung Mon) om Surin, revealed and bestowed the Wicha Pluk Sek Wadthumongkol method of empowering amulets with Incantation, invocation of Powers and Evocation of Kata Akom, by teaching him to develop and use ‘Palang Jidt’ Psychic Powers for empowerment. Many masters rely solely on the powers of Deities and Elementals who are called upon with Incantations, to empower amulets, but Luang Por Raks, is a Master who believes in the Power of the Mind itself to emit psychic abilities. When Incantation and applied Psychic Power are used in conjunction, one can consider the result to be a truly well empowered amulet.
LP Hongs bestows Wicha upon LP Raks
8. Luang Por Pian, of Wat Gren Gathin, taught Luang Por Raks the Wicha Tam Nam Mont Hua Jai Klaew Klaad (holy water for protective blessings), and a host of Hua Jai Prawaet heart Mantras and Key spellcasting methods for a vast compendium of Wicha. Like the previously mentioned Masters, Luang Por Pian also taught Luang Por Raks to perform the inscription of his personal private yantra spell, to make Pong Lob Sacred Yant powders, and for inscription on Taeng Chanuan Metal Ingots. Luang He also gave his personal inscription tool to Luang Por Raks, bestowing him as the continuation of his Lineage Wicha.
9. Luang Phu Yaem of Wat Sam Ngam in Nakorn Pathom (Lineage Wicha holder of Wicha Kumarn Tong Luang Por Te), Bestowed the base methods of the Na Metta spell, the Kata Ud Pern Gunstopper spell. Luang Phu Yaem also generously taught Luang Por Raks to perform the inscription of his personal private yantra spell, to make Pong Lob Sacred Yant powders, and for inscription on Taeng Chanuan Metal Ingots. He also gave his Hlek Jarn personal inscription tool to Luang Por Raks, bestowing him as the continuation of his Lineage Wicha.
Luang Por Pian with Luang Por Raks
LP Tim (Wat Sai Khaw) bestows Wicha to LP Raks
10. The Great Luang Por Koon, of Wat Ban Rai in Nakorn Rachasima, taught Luang Por Raks to perform the Itipiso Thoy Hlang backwards mantra spell, to turn bad luck into good luck, and convert bad Karma into Good Karma, and taught him how to inscribe Luang Por Koon’s secret Yantra for making Muan Sarn Sacred Powders and Sacred Metal Ingots, and gave him his Hlek Jarn inscription instrument, bestowing the Wicha to Luang Por Raks, as the living continuation of his Lineage Wicha.
LP Ruay (Wat Tako)
Kroo Ba Noi adds his Blessing and acceptance
11. Kroo Ba Noi, Wat Sri Don Moon bestowed the knowledge of the Sacred Lanna Agkhara script and the Wicha Yant Pra Jao Ha Pra Ongk 5 Dhyani Buddha Yantra spell, The Wicha baramee Jet Chan Seven Tiered Perfections spell of the Great Kroo Ba Srivichai, and gave Luang Por Raks with his ritual Hlek Jarn Inscription tool, bestowing him as the continuation of his Lineage Wicha.
12. Luang Phu Juea of Wat Klang Bang Gaew in Nakorn Pathom taught Luang Por Raks the secret methods of Wicha Bia Gae Cowrie shell Amulet making, and taught him how to inscribe his secret Yantra for making Muan Sarn Sacred Powders and Sacred Metal Ingots, and gave him his Hlek Jarn inscription instrument, bestowing the Wicha to Luang Por Raks, as the living continuation of his Lineage Wicha.
13. Kroo Ba Chum taught Luang Por Raks the Wicha Hua Jai Na Maha Jang-Ngang, and secret Yantra for making Muan Sarn Sacred Powders and Sacred Metal Ingots, and gave him his Hlek Jarn inscription instrument, bestowing his Wicha to Luang Por Raks, as a living continuation of his Lineage Wicha.
Other Masters with whom Luang Por Raks has recieved Wicha are; Luang Por Uean (Wat Wang Daen Dtai), Luang Por Prohmasit (Wat Sri Saket), Luang Por Sakorn (Wat Nong Grub), who taught him the Wicha prai Kumarn and Pra Khun Phaen of the Luang Phu Tim Wat Laharn Rai Lineage, Luang Por Kambu, of Wat Gut Chompoo, Kroo Ba Sit, of Wat Pang Dton Dter, and Luang Ong of Wat Pha Phutarawanaram
With Luang Por Koon